Caring for Yourself as a New Mom

It is not uncommon for new moms to be overwhelmed and frustrated with the way they look and feel. You’ve got a tiny being that needs you around the clock, you are tending to yourself much less than you were before you gave birth. It is not uncommon to avoid looking in the mirror, feel run down or carry a low self-esteem when caring for a newborn. Being dissatisfied with yourself physically can often fuel a negative mindset, and the cycle continues.
At North Pointe OB/GYN, we understand feeling self-conscious about your figure as a new mom. We want women to establish healthy habits and ways of thinking to look and feel better.
Choose Balance Over Extreme
While you may be tempted to dive into extreme measures to regain your pre-pregnancy figure, you should be careful of what that means for your energy and health as a new mom. Drastically reducing calories or engaging in excessive exercise can zap the energy your body desperately needs to care for your baby. In fact, if you are breastfeeding, an extreme dieting plan can lower or eliminate your rich milk supply.
Don’t worry; being a good mom doesn’t mean you have to neglect yourself altogether. But there’s a balance – a healthy balance. Try to work with your physician to develop a program that focuses on healthy weight loss without neglecting your responsibilities as a mom. Such programs may involve the following:
Nutrition Counseling
Eating looks different when you are a busy mom. A nutritionist can help you choose healthy snacks for your ‘on the go’ lifestyle as well as develop a customized caloric intake plan that ensures you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Physical Activity
Moving your body improves many aspects of your physical and emotional wellbeing. Establishing an exercise plan not only helps to balance your eating habits, but it also provides opportunities that you can exercise with your child!
Mood Monitoring
Ongoing support for new moms is extremely important. You’ll undoubtedly have good days and bad days. Days when you feel great about yourself, and days when you feel like you are falling short. Find a network of family and friends that can not only give you advice and encouragement, but also help monitor your moods and emotional health. If you are experiencing signs of post-partum depression, you should talk to your doctor sooner rather
Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve formed a precious life and are doing the hard work of raising a child. While the weight loss can be discouraging at times, it is important to have a healthy perspective and seek ways to make you feel better about yourself. This can include a massage or facial or simply having lunch with a friend without your baby. Taking time for yourself can be one of the best gifts you give your child!
To learn more about caring for yourself as a new mom, call North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming.